n. | neuter |
n. | north |
n. | noun |
N. | north, northern |
N. Afr. | North Africa(n) |
Nah. | (in the Bible) Nahum |
N. Amer. | North America(n) |
Narr. | narrative |
Narrat. | narrative |
Nat. | natural |
Nat. Hist. | natural history |
Nat. Philos. | natural philosophy |
Nat. Sci. | natural science |
Naut. | nautical |
Nav. | naval |
Nav. | navigation |
Navig. | navigation |
N. Carolina | North Carolina |
N. Dakota | North Dakota |
n.e. | north-eastern (dialect) |
N.E. | north-east, north-eastern |
N.E.D. | New English Dictionary |
Neh. | (in the Bible) Nehemiah |
Neighb. | neighbour(s), neighbourhood |
Nerv. | nervous |
Neurol. | neurology, neurologic(al) |
Neurosurg. | neurosurgery |
New Hampsh. | New Hampshire |
Newc. | Newcastle |
Newspr. | newsprint |
N. Ir. | Northern Irish |
N. Irel. | Northern Ireland |
No. | number |
nom. | nominative |
Non-conf. | nonconformist(s) |
nonce-wd. | nonce-word |
Nonconf. | nonconformist(s) |
Norf. | Norfolk |
north. | northern (dialect) |
Northamptonsh. | Northamptonshire |
Northants. | Northamptonshire |
Northumb. | Northumberland, Northumbrian |
Northumbld. | Northumberland |
Northumbr. | Northumbrian |
Norw. | Norwegian |
Norweg. | Norwegian |
Notts. | Nottinghamshire |
Nov. | November |
ns. | nouns |
N.S. Wales | New South Wales |
N.S.W. | New South Wales |
N.T. | New Testament |
Nucl. | nuclear |
Num. | (in the Bible) Numbers |
Numism. | numismatics |
n.w. | north-western (dialect) |
N.W. | north-west, north-western |
N.Y. | New York |
N.Z. | New Zealand |
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