e. | east |
E. | east, eastern |
E. Afr. | East Africa(n) |
E. Angl. | East Anglia(n) |
E. Anglian | East Anglian |
East Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
east. | eastern (dialect) |
Eccl. | ecclesiastical |
Eccl. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccles. | ecclesiastical |
Eccles. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccl. Hist. | ecclesiastical history |
Eccl. Law | ecclesiastical law |
Ecclus. | (in the Apocrypha) Ecclesiasticus |
Ecol. | ecology, ecological |
Econ. | economics, economic(al) |
ed. | edition |
Ed. | edition |
Ed. | Edward |
E.D.D. | English Dialect Dictionary |
Edin. | Edinburgh |
Edinb. | Edinburgh |
Educ. | education, education(al) |
Edw. | Edward |
E.E.T.S. | Early English Text Society |
Egypt. | Egyptian |
Egyptol. | Egyptology |
E. Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
Electr. | electricity, electric(al) |
Electr. Engin. | electrical engineering |
Electro-magn. | electro-magnetism |
Electro-physiol. | electro-physiology |
Elem. | element(s), elementary |
Eliz. | Elizabeth |
Elizab. | Elizabethan |
ellipt. | elliptical(ly) |
Emb. | embassy |
Embryol. | embryology, embryologic(al) |
e. midl. | east midland (dialect) |
emph. | emphatic(ally) |
Encycl. | encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic |
Encycl. Brit. | Encyclopaedia Britannica |
Encycl. Metrop. | Encyclopaedia Metropolitana |
Eng. | England, English |
Engin. | engineering |
Englishw. | Englishwomen |
Enq. | enquiry |
Ent. | entomology, entomological |
Enthus. | enthusiasm |
Entom. | entomology, entomological |
Entomol. | entomology, entomological |
Enzymol. | enzymology |
eOE | (in dates) early Old English |
Ep. | epistle |
Eph. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Ephes. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Epil. | epilogue |
Episc. | episcopacy |
Epist. | epistle |
Epit. | epitaph |
Equip. | equipment |
erron. | erroneous(ly) |
Esd. | (in the Apocrypha) Esdras |
esp. | especially |
Ess. | essay(s) |
Essent. | essential |
Establ. | establishment |
Esth. | (in the Bible) Esther |
Ethnol. | ethnology |
etym. | etymology |
etymol. | etymological(ly) |
Etymol. | etymology, etymological |
euphem. | euphemistic(ally) |
Eval. | evaluation |
Evang. | evangelical |
Even. | evening |
Evid. | evidence |
Evol. | evolution, evolutionary |
Ex. doc. | executive document |
Exalt. | exaltation |
Exam. | examination |
exc. | except |
Exch. | exchange |
Exch. | exchequer |
Exec. | execution |
Exec. | executive |
Exerc. | exercise(s) |
Exhib. | exhibition, exhibit(s) |
Exod. | (in the Bible) Exodus |
Exped. | expedition |
Exper. | experiment, experimental |
Explan. | explanation |
Explic. | explication |
Explor. | exploration |
Expos. | exposition, expository |
Ezek. | (in the Bible) Ezekiel |
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