Following the success of the previous installments, director Rakesh Roshan planned to develop a second sequel to the franchise, with Hrithik Roshan playing the protagonist again. He had penned the script, but had to re-work it as the storyline was too similar to the Hollywood blockbuster Spider-Man 3. Priyanka Chopra was later confirmed to reprise the role of Priya. In this film, she will be seen married to Krishna Mehra.
Next, Chitrangada Singh announced her inclusion in the project as a mutant. Singh was later replaced by Jacqueline Fernandez, however she later on also backed out of the film due to a lack of dates. It was reported that actresses Nargis Fakhri, Esha Gupta and Bipasha Basu were to replace Fernandez. Kangna Ranaut has finally been confirmed to play the role, who coincidentally was originally offered the role. Rakesh Roshan had earlier revealed to media that the main antagonist of film would be as powerful as the hero. After talks withAjay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan fell through, Vivek Oberoi was eventually cast for the coveted role.
In January 2011, Lakshmi Manchu claimed to have been offered a role in the film as the antagonist's girlfriend. The film has already started making profits. Its overseas distribution rights were sold to Eros International while Rakesh Roshan retained rights in Mumbai. There was also initial speculation that Rekha would play a major role in the film, which was later denied as a rumour.
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